Saturday 7 May 2011

when i need you...

suddenly i'm feeling down...sad....em...maybe i'm having my wavy moment.
i don't know how to tell others that sometimes i need someone to listen .and i don't know if i deserve to do, the only thing i can do is to write. i just write whatever i feel because it makes me feel better. then i know i won't get hurt by whatever things they'll say if i do it verbally.that's better rather than getting pissed off and turning into incredible hulk when they don't respond well to your feeling of
i'm trying my best to be happy and positive bcuz i know there are people who go through the same thing as i am in now. perhaps theirs is much worse. i should be grateful and pray for the strength to carry on and be independent.

it hurts when there is no one to care for you. to care for  your needs and feelings. it's when you begin to wonder if you don't deserve to be loved. then, you'll carry your heart closed and away from others. in the end, you may die from loneliness. 

i always see this in old people. when a person is weak and helpless, he or she needs others the most. you can see it in their  teary eyes. the way how they look at you. as if asking for a companion. asking for someone to talk and listen to them. just because they are old and helpless, some treat them as nothing.

no one wants to be alone. no one wants to be ignored and abandoned. it's been the nature of a human to need others as a life support. we were born with a partner. that's why most of us get married and have family. we want to live in a circle of people we love to feel safe and secure.

for some people, they don't realize that sometimes there is someone needing them.someone who might be very near to them...

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