Tuesday 3 May 2011

The Last Battle

Finally!!! i won over a battle with a 2-year-old little Monster!(evil laugh)

But when i rethink...actually i am the Master of Monsters.hehe...it was so bad of me to fight over a laptop with my own little nephew (sorry...) i needed to do my work but he wanted to watch teletubbies.then i began to regret why i downloaded that 'aliens' in my laptop in the first place. after i dropped the 'nuclear weapons' on his territory (by putting him into sleep with 2 bottles of milk) he was totally down and out. command and conquer! hahaha... well, i still allow him to watch it. sometimes...p/s: need to be good to kids =3

 Speaking of teletubbies, i used to admire these four 'cute-but-creepy' characters when i was a kid. had been so loyal to them that i claimed myself as Lala. ironically, i don't really like yellow.lol...

and people won't believe it that i used to be a die-hard fan for Vegeta of Dragon Ball.hehe...i thought (and still think) that he was the coolest man in the world and i really fell for him >_<

p/s: no longer watch anime but DB is still the best of all

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