Sunday 1 May 2011

today i went to visit my little niece who's turned 2 months.she's soooo tiny that i'm too afraid to cuddle her.gotta upload her pic later.hehe..

Seeing babies, i realize how innocent and naive we were.Toddlers- i don't think they deserve to be scolded but we REALLY need to be patient when dealing with them.sometimes they can crack your
Years passed by...i'm getting OLD!!! yet there are many things i still haven't learned, tried and done.emm...suddenly i remember that there are things i have to buy and do within this month.

1. buy book 'singing for dummies' (mph online: RM50.28)
2. buy book 'piano for dummies' (mph online RM62.85) a new pair of black shoes (heels?)
5. revlon foundation & powder
6.finish reading 'pride & prejudice' and 'sense & sensibility' by Jane Austen 
7. tour KL with Sha (guess this one needs to wait)
8. send Kemo to hosp for his appointment

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