Sunday 1 May 2011

Let's Talk About Love...

This morning i woke up with a bit of sentimental feeling. i feel like talking about love and remember what the late Princess Diana said,
"I think the biggest disease the world suffers from in this day and age is the disease of people feeling unloved. I know that I can give love for a minute, for half an hour, for a day, for a month, but I can give. I am very happy to do that, I want to do that."

  Her quotation reminds me of a true story and i'd like to share it. Here how it goes:

    "I think i love you...," the man suddenly uttered.
    The little girl was stunned. She turned to the man. Looking puzzled. "I appreciate that feeling but don't you think it's quite...? We've just met," she said.
    The man shook his head and took the girl's hands in his. The little girl was reluctant. "I feel we belong together. I don't wanna let something precious like you go. Just be mine," the man said.
    The little girl did not say anything. Trains of thought were running in her mind. It's been her hope and dream to be loved by a guy. Growing without a father, she did not have the chance to experience how a man's love would be different from a woman's.She longed for one. She longed for a feeling to be cared for. She had been independent for her childhood and teenage life. And now she began to feel tired of it. Sometimes she needed someone who would help her with little things. Being appreciated. Someone who would ask her if she had already had her lunch or dinner. Someone who would say good morning and good night. Someone who would comfort her when she was frightened. Someone whom she would share joy and laughter with. Someone who would never let her walk alone.
     She looked at the man. "I'm scared...," she began to speak. "I've never known a guy before." 
     "Don't worry. You'll learn how they think," he smiled. "I'll help you with that."
     The little girl finally took the chance. She knew without giving a try to learn, she would never know a thing. But she was never prepared to learn that love sometimes could hurt.
      They were happy together. She felt as if a burden had been lifted from her shoulder. She felt complete. She was no longer afraid of being alone. She gave everything she had to the man. She became a very good girl for him and really kept him as happy as possible. She listened to the man's every word because she was told it was how a relationship between a man and a woman works. A man tells and a woman listens. She never doubted him.
      "It's over," the man said one day. "Just find another man. I don't love you anymore." Then he walked away and that was the last time she saw him.
       The little girl was clueless. She did not what to do. She did not understand what she had done wrong. Neither she knew what to change to save all the things that they had. Suddenly she found herself alone.She wondered how everything could change. Unexpectedly. But she knew she had to face the truth: she was all by herself again. 
       One year passed by. She met another guy. This time, she told him the truth. She was scared of being hurt again and just wanted to see first how things work between them. The man convinced her that a man is different from other man. He would never leave her like before. But truly it was a lie...
        The little girl was hurt so badly. She said she would never trust a man anymore. But she knew it was so wrong to say that every man is the same. She knew that they are an individual. She was just afraid to love because it just hurt her in return. But she would not stop loving others. Without hoping that she would be loved in return. Then she began to walk on her path lifting her head high and did good things to others. She did not want to hurt them because she knew how it felt. She did not want others to feel what she had felt. She did not want to see them crying. It would hurt her. She wanted to make others smile. Even though her own wounded heart was crying. But she knew she had to be strong to live her life all by herself. Till her dying day...

There are some people praying and asking for love. There are even some who are begging for it. Sometimes love can make them strong, weak, patient, desperate...People would do anything for love. The funny thing is that love is a pure power which drives us to comfort others. But some might kill for the sake of love. See how love can turn into evil? Never stop loving no matter how hurt you are. It might sound unfair. But if you keep it up, you'll find someone who will love you more than you love yourself... 

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