Friday 6 May 2011

A Glimpse of Life...

am doing lesson plan for my teaching. the topic is on 'Helping Hands for the Disabled'..looking  through the pictures on Google, i begin to realize how grateful i should be..

(I'm trying my best not to be offensive to others when coming to the term 'the Disabled')

when i read this extract-
"Just because we are physically disabled, people think we are unable to communicate and they do not speak to us directly. Instead, all questions are addressed to the family member or the person we are with. People who avoid conversing with me only make me conscious of my disability."
                                                                                       - English Form 4, pg 137

i found out there's something interesting. throughout my experience and observation, it's true that some people do not talk directly to the disabled. they think PWDs (person with disabilities) are unable to understand and communicate well. and they do not want to take the patience to listen when PWDs are trying to convey their messages. yes, we might not know the sign language but we still need to bear in mind that the disabled are humans too. they have feelings. even though they cannot speak or hear us, they still can feel and understand feelings. every one is born with it. PWDs have to do twice harder than most of us and they do not need SYMPATHY, but EMPATHY.

Take a glimpse of you life to live, love and learn them...

p/s: then i found this on a web. guess should share it ^_^

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