Tuesday 3 May 2011

This morning i started my 1st day of teaching practicum.i got to teach Form 4 students (basically, they are 16) it was a bit tiring but i enjoyed it. i'd like to tell a bit how it went ^_^

5.30 am- woke up

6.30 am- left the house

7.00 am- reached school, supposed to be at the assembly but went to say hi~ to my table and ice breaking with senior teachers (since i'm the only girl, my partner is a boy and most of the teachers are female, i needed to do it by myself like, "hello, i'm ***.teacher trainee from ******.blah blah blah.lol)

7.45 am- my 1st class!!! did summary the students (gosh...i never expected that i would begin teaching on the first week)

9.30 am- my 2nd class!!! also did summary.(at 1st, was intimidated by the number of male students in the class. There 14 boys and only 6 girls. i had never been in a class where the boys dominate and they thought i came from a girl school. the funny thing was there was one student called me,
               "Teacher, teacher."
                "Yes?" i replied.
                "You speak like the professor in Harry Potter."
 (such an innocent remark he made...)

1.55 pm- school ended but needed to stay back for sport meeting at 3

3 pm- here comes the only part where i really HATE at school- sport! (well, i just stood there watching them doing all the activities. i was wearing heels at the field! GREAT! if you give me indoor activities like debate, choral speaking or choir, i can organize them.but please not outdoors....i'm clueless....sobbing..

 5.30 pm- at last, it's over. drove back home.reached house at 6.

2mrrw i pray that everything will be better and i'll improve myself ^_^

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