Wednesday 25 May 2011

Experimenting! Hehe ^_^ i learned a new thing (and i really took the risks to share the pictures me with a headscarf on.and this
    This morning, i saw a friend was busy taking pictures around the school. she was so into it. her body movement, finger clicking. everything caught my attention. it was really interesting to see her. i was like, "wow, she is really pro."
    I approached her and said that i was enjoying her told me about her passion- photography. yes, i like it too. and actually i love looking at pictures. because they deliver so many messages. but i have this one kind of habit-i don't really like taking pictures of me (perhaps because i'm not used to it). i got few friends who are good at taking pictures. their pictures are amazing. they themselves become the models. i'd like to try too yet i dunno how. 
    Then she said, "it's easy. sometimes you just need only one place or background. All you have to do is to find the right angle and style so that your picture will become beautiful. and not too numb. ( that true?). i did follow her advice, by the way, with her help. standing in one corner, she did the job. i was soooo shy in front of the camera and couldn't stop
    Finally, i think it turned out to be fun and great. i enjoyed it. (i did really break my actual it was FUN! Those are the pictures that she took for me. just using my sony errikson.em.. COOL^_^.

p/s: thanx it so much =3

Bicara hatiku...

Jika kita mencintai seseorang, kita akan sentiasa mendoakannya walaupun dia tidak berada disisi kita.
"Boleh jadi kamu benci kepada sesuatu padahal ia baik bagi kamu dan boleh jadi kamu suka kepada sesuatu padahal ia buruk bagi kamu. Dan (ingatlah), Allah jualah Yang Mengetahui (semuanya itu), sedang kamu tidak mengetahuinya."

Cinta sejati adalah ketika dia mencintai orang lain, dan kamu masih mampu tersenyum, sambil berkata: "Aku turut bahagia untukmu."

Tuesday 24 May 2011

I Love You, Goodbye...

Wish I could be the one, the one who could give you love
The kind of love you really need
Wish I could say to you that I'll always stay with you
But baby, that's not me

You need someone
Willing to give their heart and soul to you
Promise you forever
Baby, that's something I can't do

Oh, I could say that I'll be all you need
But that would be a lie
I hope someday you can find someway to understand
I'm only doing this for you
I don't really wanna go but deep in my heart I know
This is the kindest thing to do

You'll find someone
Will be the one that I could never be
Who'll give you something better
Than the love you'll find with me

Oh, I could say that I'll be all you need
But that would be a lie

I know I'd only hurt you
I know I'd only make you cry
I'm not the one you're needing
I love you, goodbye

Leaving someone
When you love someone
Is the hardest thing to do
When you love someone as much as I love you

Oh, I don't wanna leave you
Baby, it tears me up inside
But I'll never be the one you're needing
I love you, goodbye

Baby, it's never gonna work out
I love you, goodbye

Thursday 19 May 2011

it's been a while.lots of wonderful things happened. thank God  ^_^

firstly, i managed to settle things with the man. luckily he understood and he actually, too, is waiting for someone.

second thing, last friday i went to play bowling. for the first time in my life!!!! lol... well i enjoyed the game though the fact is that i don't like sports. but less than i enjoyed the feeling of learning something new. i played with the teachers from my school at Plaza Alam Sentral (guess, now i'm becoming familiar with Shah Alam area). there was one time when my ball went off my embarrassing but i just laughed my *** out.enjoy the moment

third thing- there's a student trying to match me with his brother who has just finished studying in UK. well, his brother is handsome and i always hear stories about him.. i think he should be a model. he got the look, the height, the body and money. driving a BMW at 25. no wonder why many female students will be hysterical over him every time he comes to pick his brother up. em..thanks honey for your offer but i may be single but might not be

lastly, i would love to brag about has just celebrated her appreciation towards Teacher's Day on the last 16th May. on that day, my school asked us the practicum teachers to do some performance and i chose to sing (since i dunno what else to do.huhu) i sang There You'll Be by faith hill. guess what, i got a very big applause from the audience! i was SO VERY PROUD.felt like a

well, that's it for now ^_^

Saturday 14 May 2011

After few days of praying, i finally got my answers. now i know what to do..

Wednesday 11 May 2011

The sky is FALLING!!!!

i dunno if today i'm lucky or unlucky...all i can say is OH MY GOD...

i know that life can twist in a very unexpected way. but this is VERY VERY VERY VERY VERY VERY VERY VERY unexpected.why do i say so?sigh...the story goes like this:

this morning, i was preparing for my class in teacher's room when suddenly my phone vibrated.a message came was from my mom.
       "Dear, got something to tell u."
my heart throbbed. that message sounded strange. i know my mom. she won't text me if there's nothing.i began to worry if it was about my old grandma.
       "What is it, mom?" i replied.
i waited for her reply. but nothing came in.gosh... i hate to be waiting in suspense.but i still waited. after almost an hour, my mom replied.
        "Someone would like to hand in marriage proposal."


at that moment, i was speechless. i was thinking, what's wrong with the world now? just few days back i bumped into my ex. and suddenly, this time someone i don't know wants to be with me? help!!this is totally unbearable! it doesn't make sense to me!

oh gosh...i'm going to hurt someone...i appreciate the stranger's intention..i know i should give that man a chance.but I'M WAITING FOR am i going to say that? i really really really need to be very polite and nice. 

 p/s: life is like a drama..

Tuesday 10 May 2011

Wonder pet...

i wanna keep a cat as my companion...but my sis won't allow that. well, she doesn't know that i can actually train a cat to be good and polite.guess i can work with the really do wanna have a cat...they are adorable and lovely ^_^

kawaii..zutto zutto =3

Monday 9 May 2011

Why me??? T_T

why am i so unlucky these 2 days???

this afternoon i was ready to leave the school when i found out that kemo was sick. he didn't want to start up. actually i realized that something was wrong when i unlocked the door. then i tried to start him up but failed. Oh my god...
i didn't know what to do. i didn't know who i should call. i sat down and tried to get myself together. i really wanted to cry but i was already tired of crying yesterday. my mood wasn't so okay when kemo did this to me. it sounds ridiculous but i really did it. i told him not to mess with me and just try to hold my back at the moment. .i stared at him foolishly hoping that he would come to life and give me a hug for an apology...well, he's just a car...
luckily, my friend was there who helped me treating my kemo...

why me.............. i really need to be patient. O Lord, please help me bear with the struggle..please...

Sunday 8 May 2011

A little girl in pain...

i don't know why but i think today it was a very bad luck for me. i had a terrible moment this evening.

i bumped into my ex. to my surprise, he actually lied to me all this while. everything didn't work between us not because he was not capable of having family in future. not because he was sick. but he cheated on me. i just could watch in pain and shame how the girl who i used to respect as his 'big sister' walking away with him. i was ashamed of myself and my friends. all this while, i pushed myself to let the feeling for him go because i didn't want him suffer. i let it go for his happiness. and because he asked me to and i obeyed him. leaving someone when you love him is the hardest thing to do.he seemed to be puzzled to see me at first. perhaps because i finally knew the truth and the girl just smiled. sarcastically..

my heart crashed. totally. i could never bear such pain anymore. my heart's been wounded. enough with the betrayal... my friends asked me just to give the girl a lesson or two. i refused and went into the ladies. i knew nothing could be done because he was no longer mine. i cried silently. angry at myself for being too soft. but itz just me. i can't help it. i don't know how to express my anger. i don't know how to confront others. i don't want to fight.

after the incident i tried to reach out for someone.perhaps for protection and comfort.. but i should've known it was no use. it just hurt me even worse and so much deeper. now i realize that i should stay away from falling in love. i know it's so wrong to do that but i just need some time to heal my heart. i wanna love a man again. but i don't know when...i really learn to love a man in a very hard way... 

Saturday 7 May 2011

when i need you...

suddenly i'm feeling down...sad....em...maybe i'm having my wavy moment.
i don't know how to tell others that sometimes i need someone to listen .and i don't know if i deserve to do, the only thing i can do is to write. i just write whatever i feel because it makes me feel better. then i know i won't get hurt by whatever things they'll say if i do it verbally.that's better rather than getting pissed off and turning into incredible hulk when they don't respond well to your feeling of
i'm trying my best to be happy and positive bcuz i know there are people who go through the same thing as i am in now. perhaps theirs is much worse. i should be grateful and pray for the strength to carry on and be independent.

it hurts when there is no one to care for you. to care for  your needs and feelings. it's when you begin to wonder if you don't deserve to be loved. then, you'll carry your heart closed and away from others. in the end, you may die from loneliness. 

i always see this in old people. when a person is weak and helpless, he or she needs others the most. you can see it in their  teary eyes. the way how they look at you. as if asking for a companion. asking for someone to talk and listen to them. just because they are old and helpless, some treat them as nothing.

no one wants to be alone. no one wants to be ignored and abandoned. it's been the nature of a human to need others as a life support. we were born with a partner. that's why most of us get married and have family. we want to live in a circle of people we love to feel safe and secure.

for some people, they don't realize that sometimes there is someone needing them.someone who might be very near to them...

Christina Aguilera - Bound to you - Lyrics.wmv

sometimes you don't know how to express your feelings with words...
this song used to be the words for my heart.and it'll always be.a very meaningful song in my life.

p/s: sentimental ^_^


i wonder how it'd feel if i went out with Ashley Banjo.i really fall for

speaking of dancing, i've always wanted learn ballet. but maybe because of age and flexibility factors, guess i would rather learn belly wait. i WILL surely learn to dance ^_^

p/s: Life is full of dreams

Friday 6 May 2011

the other side of me is telling...

wanna ask someone out 2mrw to watch fast & furious. but i'm too shy...

A Glimpse of Life...

am doing lesson plan for my teaching. the topic is on 'Helping Hands for the Disabled'..looking  through the pictures on Google, i begin to realize how grateful i should be..

(I'm trying my best not to be offensive to others when coming to the term 'the Disabled')

when i read this extract-
"Just because we are physically disabled, people think we are unable to communicate and they do not speak to us directly. Instead, all questions are addressed to the family member or the person we are with. People who avoid conversing with me only make me conscious of my disability."
                                                                                       - English Form 4, pg 137

i found out there's something interesting. throughout my experience and observation, it's true that some people do not talk directly to the disabled. they think PWDs (person with disabilities) are unable to understand and communicate well. and they do not want to take the patience to listen when PWDs are trying to convey their messages. yes, we might not know the sign language but we still need to bear in mind that the disabled are humans too. they have feelings. even though they cannot speak or hear us, they still can feel and understand feelings. every one is born with it. PWDs have to do twice harder than most of us and they do not need SYMPATHY, but EMPATHY.

Take a glimpse of you life to live, love and learn them...

p/s: then i found this on a web. guess should share it ^_^

Fast & Furious or...

my poor little monster...

yesterday, my little nephew (aka the little Monster) fell and injured himself. pity him...but i think the plaster is too BIG for

Thursday 5 May 2011

Wednesday 4 May 2011

em... i don't know why but i feel like my pic looks as if i'm in memory. (am i already dead....?)lol
i think i'll change it tommorrow >_<
i feel sooooo tired today...i think because of the new change and commitment that i have now. hope i'll become used to it in few more days ^_^

before i say good nite, i'd like to write something.

when we say we are open minded, there is a question- how open are we?

well... personally, i don't think EVERYONE should be open. The way how an individual sees the world is different from one another. One has his or her own beliefs and values. i think that's what we should be open to- the individualism itself. we cannot expect others to think like us though great minds think alike. every one has their own voice and we have to respect it no matter how much we hate it.

but it doesn't mean that we can be selfish and won't accept others' ideas and always stand our ground in a discussion just because everyone deserves to say something. a decision has to be made.

listen to everyone, get united, make judgment and evaluation, choose the best for all... ^_^

okay, good night...
Em...i'm thinking when and where to hang out this week..btw, i'm gonna miss kemo because my sis is going to babysit him for a while. and i'll get my mom's myvi.em..

another thing- i'm LOSING my voice!!! (guess always need to warm up in the morning and never stop singing)..

Tuesday 3 May 2011

This morning i started my 1st day of teaching practicum.i got to teach Form 4 students (basically, they are 16) it was a bit tiring but i enjoyed it. i'd like to tell a bit how it went ^_^

5.30 am- woke up

6.30 am- left the house

7.00 am- reached school, supposed to be at the assembly but went to say hi~ to my table and ice breaking with senior teachers (since i'm the only girl, my partner is a boy and most of the teachers are female, i needed to do it by myself like, "hello, i'm ***.teacher trainee from ******.blah blah

7.45 am- my 1st class!!! did summary the students (gosh...i never expected that i would begin teaching on the first week)

9.30 am- my 2nd class!!! also did summary.(at 1st, was intimidated by the number of male students in the class. There 14 boys and only 6 girls. i had never been in a class where the boys dominate and they thought i came from a girl school. the funny thing was there was one student called me,
               "Teacher, teacher."
                "Yes?" i replied.
                "You speak like the professor in Harry Potter."
 (such an innocent remark he made...)

1.55 pm- school ended but needed to stay back for sport meeting at 3

3 pm- here comes the only part where i really HATE at school- sport! (well, i just stood there watching them doing all the activities. i was wearing heels at the field! GREAT! if you give me indoor activities like debate, choral speaking or choir, i can organize them.but please not outdoors....i'm clueless....sobbing..

 5.30 pm- at last, it's over. drove back home.reached house at 6.

2mrrw i pray that everything will be better and i'll improve myself ^_^
Every one is a teacher...
We teach ourselves 
We teach our parents
We teach our family
We teach our lovers
We teach our children
We teach our friends
We teach our people
We teach our world
to LIVE, LOVE and LEARN...

The Last Battle

Finally!!! i won over a battle with a 2-year-old little Monster!(evil laugh)

But when i rethink...actually i am the Master of was so bad of me to fight over a laptop with my own little nephew (sorry...) i needed to do my work but he wanted to watch teletubbies.then i began to regret why i downloaded that 'aliens' in my laptop in the first place. after i dropped the 'nuclear weapons' on his territory (by putting him into sleep with 2 bottles of milk) he was totally down and out. command and conquer! hahaha... well, i still allow him to watch it. sometimes...p/s: need to be good to kids =3

 Speaking of teletubbies, i used to admire these four 'cute-but-creepy' characters when i was a kid. had been so loyal to them that i claimed myself as Lala. ironically, i don't really like

and people won't believe it that i used to be a die-hard fan for Vegeta of Dragon Ball.hehe...i thought (and still think) that he was the coolest man in the world and i really fell for him >_<

p/s: no longer watch anime but DB is still the best of all

Monday 2 May 2011

A New Day Has Come

2mrw is the official date for my teaching practicum.gotta sleep early tonight cuz need to leave house @ 6.30 in the morning.well...i feel excited. and pray to God that everything will be fine. may He bless us all. okay, i wish myself good nite and have a nice dream ^_^


Sunday 1 May 2011

Finished cleaning up the room! yeaa...

But then i got to know that there are books that i haven't finished reading. They've been in the bookshelf for ages! Guess i need to set a schedule for

Let's Talk About Love...

This morning i woke up with a bit of sentimental feeling. i feel like talking about love and remember what the late Princess Diana said,
"I think the biggest disease the world suffers from in this day and age is the disease of people feeling unloved. I know that I can give love for a minute, for half an hour, for a day, for a month, but I can give. I am very happy to do that, I want to do that."

  Her quotation reminds me of a true story and i'd like to share it. Here how it goes:

    "I think i love you...," the man suddenly uttered.
    The little girl was stunned. She turned to the man. Looking puzzled. "I appreciate that feeling but don't you think it's quite...? We've just met," she said.
    The man shook his head and took the girl's hands in his. The little girl was reluctant. "I feel we belong together. I don't wanna let something precious like you go. Just be mine," the man said.
    The little girl did not say anything. Trains of thought were running in her mind. It's been her hope and dream to be loved by a guy. Growing without a father, she did not have the chance to experience how a man's love would be different from a woman's.She longed for one. She longed for a feeling to be cared for. She had been independent for her childhood and teenage life. And now she began to feel tired of it. Sometimes she needed someone who would help her with little things. Being appreciated. Someone who would ask her if she had already had her lunch or dinner. Someone who would say good morning and good night. Someone who would comfort her when she was frightened. Someone whom she would share joy and laughter with. Someone who would never let her walk alone.
     She looked at the man. "I'm scared...," she began to speak. "I've never known a guy before." 
     "Don't worry. You'll learn how they think," he smiled. "I'll help you with that."
     The little girl finally took the chance. She knew without giving a try to learn, she would never know a thing. But she was never prepared to learn that love sometimes could hurt.
      They were happy together. She felt as if a burden had been lifted from her shoulder. She felt complete. She was no longer afraid of being alone. She gave everything she had to the man. She became a very good girl for him and really kept him as happy as possible. She listened to the man's every word because she was told it was how a relationship between a man and a woman works. A man tells and a woman listens. She never doubted him.
      "It's over," the man said one day. "Just find another man. I don't love you anymore." Then he walked away and that was the last time she saw him.
       The little girl was clueless. She did not what to do. She did not understand what she had done wrong. Neither she knew what to change to save all the things that they had. Suddenly she found herself alone.She wondered how everything could change. Unexpectedly. But she knew she had to face the truth: she was all by herself again. 
       One year passed by. She met another guy. This time, she told him the truth. She was scared of being hurt again and just wanted to see first how things work between them. The man convinced her that a man is different from other man. He would never leave her like before. But truly it was a lie...
        The little girl was hurt so badly. She said she would never trust a man anymore. But she knew it was so wrong to say that every man is the same. She knew that they are an individual. She was just afraid to love because it just hurt her in return. But she would not stop loving others. Without hoping that she would be loved in return. Then she began to walk on her path lifting her head high and did good things to others. She did not want to hurt them because she knew how it felt. She did not want others to feel what she had felt. She did not want to see them crying. It would hurt her. She wanted to make others smile. Even though her own wounded heart was crying. But she knew she had to be strong to live her life all by herself. Till her dying day...

There are some people praying and asking for love. There are even some who are begging for it. Sometimes love can make them strong, weak, patient, desperate...People would do anything for love. The funny thing is that love is a pure power which drives us to comfort others. But some might kill for the sake of love. See how love can turn into evil? Never stop loving no matter how hurt you are. It might sound unfair. But if you keep it up, you'll find someone who will love you more than you love yourself... 

today i went to visit my little niece who's turned 2 months.she's soooo tiny that i'm too afraid to cuddle her.gotta upload her pic later.hehe..

Seeing babies, i realize how innocent and naive we were.Toddlers- i don't think they deserve to be scolded but we REALLY need to be patient when dealing with them.sometimes they can crack your
Years passed by...i'm getting OLD!!! yet there are many things i still haven't learned, tried and done.emm...suddenly i remember that there are things i have to buy and do within this month.

1. buy book 'singing for dummies' (mph online: RM50.28)
2. buy book 'piano for dummies' (mph online RM62.85) a new pair of black shoes (heels?)
5. revlon foundation & powder
6.finish reading 'pride & prejudice' and 'sense & sensibility' by Jane Austen 
7. tour KL with Sha (guess this one needs to wait)
8. send Kemo to hosp for his appointment

my heart is whispering...

suddenly i keep thinking of the late princess Diana...i admire her a lot. she was very sweet and graceful.the way she looked up and smiled..finally i got the chance to watch every second of her wedding day on was like 30 years ago.before i was even born!

comparing to Kate,i realized how young she was at that time.looking so naive.yet she really did bring a brand new world.a princess who will always live in people's heart.i wonder how she must have felt when she began to lose everything..but she kept smiling and made others happy when her own heart was crying..

i think i can understand that. losing someone you used to love and admire is not an easy feels like you are losing half part of your heart.the part where you taste the warmth and security.loneliness will embrace...

it takes a lot of strength to give love away when you yourself are actually asking for one point, you begin to feel tired and you will start look for one.but no one is there for you.there is no one who can love you the way you are...

but i think if we keep praying and open up our heart, we'll find our way to happiness.when you cry, just remember that tears are only temporary.but smile lasts longer.sometimes you have to make others smile to smile ^_^