Wednesday 26 October 2011

to someone who used to be mine...

To someone who used to be mine for not so long,

Lord has answered my prayer
To see you again though in a different atmosphere
I'm glad that you are doing well now
Though I cannot tell
Though i just can smile at you from the distance
I thought I'd never see you again
Before we diverge on a different route

I wonder if love is still left deep in our hearts
Or has the hatred engulfed us for all this while
I wonder if we can continue the story that we once wrote together
I wonder if we can say words that we once spoke to one another
But I never have the strength to tell you the truth
I keep walking on this path after we said goodbye
But at the same time I always look back to see
If you would follow me from behind
I never have the courage to say to you
I still care about you
And I miss you...

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