Saturday 22 October 2011

Things that fascinate me

There are many things that impress me in this world. i'll try to list as many as i can.hehe

1. How we live everyday life.
We get up in the morning, do things in the afternoon and evening. then we go to sleep at night. in between, there are so many incidents we encounter with- meeting new people as we walk along the road and we begin to build bond with them. we learn new things especially through observation and imitation. we'll observe people and how they behave which, in turn, gives us perception about life. be it positive or negative, it depends on  how we perceive the world and how we've been cultured. but one thing for sure- we grow every second we live.

2. Philosophy & Psychology
I am always interested in philosophy and psychology. These two fields help me understand life and surroundings better. they give me insights that there is no absolute answer because we, human, are different individuals. as an individual, we have our own words and opinions. that's what makes us live and behave differently from one another.

3. Language & Culture
i've been trying to be open to other cultures and languages. for me, races don't matter. what differ us is the religion or belief. yet, the difference is not for us to be rivals. yes, there may be lots of contradictions but respect each other should be practiced. but i doubt if some can do so...(well, we are not perfect)

4. Ballet
ah-ha! i love this part and yet i wonder if i still can learn it at this age.huhu...the gracefulness of a ballerina really motivates me. seeing them makes me want to expose more of the feminine side of me. the gentleness and fragility..oh, really inspires me that i've been watching 'Black Swan' for times and can't help of being jealous of natalie i'll send my daughter instead one day if she likes it)

Emm...i'm thinking of taking class on piano lesson. need to wait until i start working and earn my own money.but i do know that my mom will totally object this idea so i ought to do it in secret.hehe (i'm always be the one who breaks the familiy tradition.sigh...)

6. Books
i LOVE reading! currently am reading 'a doctor in the house; the memoirs of tun mahathir' and about to finish it ^_^ books help you travel across the boarder and time without money. life as a student, i often  find myself being, by reading, it's the only way i can escape from my little room and travel into another world. i love biographies but you should try to be open and not biased when dealing with this type of creative writing.

7. First Lady
i always wonder how it feels to be a wife of a leader of a country. must be so many great challenges you have to face.i wanna be a devoted wife to a good man, standing behind him when he's leading, knowing that we are worth to each other.

there are things things that stay in my favourite list. well, i think they should stay where they are now for the time being ^_^

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