Saturday 22 October 2011

i woke up diz morning with a weird feeling.haha..weird...

btw, i'd like to start my day with blessing to Allah. alhamdulilah, praise for Allah, He gives me strength and rational mind to act appropriately after what happened. holding grudge over men won't make me happy. but what does is that i should change myself- my ATTITUDE. some might say there's nothing wrong with me. but i do believe there's just that i don't realize what it is. Allah says He won't change any one unless he changes first. it's true. blaming others won't solve the problem especially when it is about our life. We should see that when we're pointing a finger to others, actually three fingers are pointing back at us. so, check ourselves first before we do anything. but it's not that we have to surrender and let people do us bad. if we're right, stand our ground.

one thing i realize- FAITH - is very vital in one's life. regardless of any religion, we should believe that there is a Creator. the One and Only. i find myself calm and happy when i improve my relationship with Him. He's the only One whom i could pour out my feelings to, be it sadness, anger, or disappointment. then i begin to realize that i've done so much wrong to Him and this time i need to pay back. i need to believe that He still loves me despite of what's happening. He wants me to remember Him.

so, for those who are in greater obstacles in life, deep down in a well of sadness, please don't give up. taking our own life is not the last resort although we feel that we have nothing left in us. though we feel ourselves are useless. there are still many, even a lot of options we can make. pray to Him and He always listens to us. yes, life is about making the RIGHT decision. but there is always ROOM for IMPROVEMENT. to err is's normal to make mistake and we learn lesson though in a hard way. that's how we grow up and become matured.because it is a world where we can LIVE, LOVE and LEARN.

p/s: i'm feeling better after writing this as though i'm telling myself to be strong and remember that i'm not alone. Allah is always by my side. praise to Him, Allah the Greatest ^_^

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