Thursday 7 June 2012

I Love U Granny

i have lots of spare time now since i haven't started working yet. so, i have so many entries to post just in one single morning. actually i've been keeping so many things to myself all this while and now is the time to get them out of my

this time  i feel like sharing a little bit about my granny who should not be named.hehe..tadaa~

me & granny. the legs behind were cousin's.hehe

waiting for the pilot (me) to get ready to get on

these pictures are the only collection i have with Granny. i accidentally found them in my lappy. really treasure them.

Granny is very very very old. her date of birth stated in the ic (identification card) is 1920. but uncle told me tha she was born earlier than that (i wonder if she had heard about the sinking of titanic few years before).  they just guessed the year since people back then did not have birth cert. so when they wanted to register for an ic they merely guessed the year they were born in. so, this year Granny would be probably almost 100. She is currently staying with Mom and we take care of her because now she is forgetful and very childlike. She still looks young though and speaks really loud for an old

What i miss so much about her is the moment when she was healthy and strong. we used to sit at the stairs (as u can see  in the pic) and talked about the past. i always asked her about the British occupation in Malaya, the Japanese invasion and the independence. she told me about few English people working near the village. she told me about how she and others fled to islands when the Japanese came. she also told me about the joy when Malaya got her independence.

 She's been through the transition of Malaysia. i regret that i didn't record our conversation about those accounts at least for family heritage. i just can keep what she told me in my own memory. the moment when we had a chat is so valuable that i realize how important it is for a family to keep its history and heritage to be told to the next generation. then you can find out who you are. so appreciate the moment with the ones you love before losing it  ^_^


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