Thursday 7 June 2012

Assalamualaikum and good day everyone. after months of not updating my blog, it's time to do so. many things happened in my life and they all have become part of bittersweet memories. above of all, i've graduated this April after 3 years of studying  and am currently looking for a job. i'm considering teaching but human resource is also one of my interests. actually there are many things that i'd like to try and learn. However, when thinking that i want to get a Master's degree in 2 years to come, i really need to have a good grasp of teaching experience that will help me through the pursuit. so teaching is my top priority.

Since now i'm about to jump into a career, i realize that how time flies. looking back, i've grown so fast and now i can consider myself as an adult.hehe...i'm getting a job, having my own income and responsibilities. then, gonna have a family and children.god gracious, that's AWESOME ^_^

For celebrating my new era of life, i need to do something better this time and hope for the best. be more positive =D

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