Thursday 2 June 2011

Love Peace No War

Jets, pilots, navy, helicopters, men with guns, 6 packs- i LOVE these stuff. they look cool. but i always have this kinds of thought- can they be used in another way rather than shooting, bombing, killing others? can war be solved in a harmless way? without having to lose a life?

i wonder- what if two countries at war solve their conflict just at the dance floor rather than at the battlefield? they could have a dance competition instead! 
when there is a soldier, fully uniformed doing a break dance i think girls would go
and when they come in a squad with unloaded guns doing formation like the ones in marching, they'd completely blow my mind away.

and there is one thing i wonder about the authorities involved in a war. what are they thinking actually? don't they see how men, women and children suffer and lose lives? don't they ever think that their families could be the ones who are killed? day by day these people are losing their hearts and humanity. they no longer have sympathy and empathy. they are not bothered by others' tears and cry.

yes, war is not something that can be erased's been in history for centuries. but why must we opt for VIOLENCE where it can be BLOODLESS?

i love this pic (taken from a blog). how ironic..

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