Sunday 5 June 2011

To You with Love...

Dear my love,
      Today i spent most of my time missing you.It's been a while since our last goodbye and i hope you're doing well. I wrote this letter to tell you how grateful i was (and am) that God set us to meet.Some people say i should totally forget about you. I should even confront you for what you had done to me. But i'll never do that. I'd just keep the bleeding love in my heart because  i know why i met you. There's something special that i can't tell or express in any way to anyone.
      Yes, all the love that we had was brief yet it was the sweetest thing i'd had in my life. No one is perfect but you made me perfect. You helped me find my way and now i am a woman i wanted to be.You taught me how to see that life is an incredible experience i should value and learn. I also learn that loving someone doesn't mean you need to have him or her. The most important is that you always pray for his or her happiness. Sometimes, that's the best for you.
      You taught me how to be strong and always hold my head high in bad times. Always smile when the heart cries. You made me a fighter, giving me strength that i'd been looking for. Never to give up if i fall. I thank you for that.
      Sometimes i admit that the pain is so unbearable that i cry silently especially in the middle of nights. Sometimes i wonder what you might be doing at that moment of thought. Sometimes i wonder if you ever think of me. But above of all, i always pray that you'll always be happy in every day you live, in whatever you do and with whomever you're with now. 
                                                                                                  With Love in Heart


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