Friday 8 June 2012


i dunno how to ask him if he needs help.argghh...feel like cursing =( i'm just too scared to ask him 'hey, do you have anyone going wt you on that day?' oh my.....

I will hunt u down.grr

never thought that it'd be very hard to find a job. but i'm trying to think positive. i will get a job. it's just a matter of time. every one has been promised his or her part in this world. i just need to keep looking for it. don't worry ^_^

Thursday 7 June 2012

I Love U Granny

i have lots of spare time now since i haven't started working yet. so, i have so many entries to post just in one single morning. actually i've been keeping so many things to myself all this while and now is the time to get them out of my

this time  i feel like sharing a little bit about my granny who should not be named.hehe..tadaa~

me & granny. the legs behind were cousin's.hehe

waiting for the pilot (me) to get ready to get on

these pictures are the only collection i have with Granny. i accidentally found them in my lappy. really treasure them.

Granny is very very very old. her date of birth stated in the ic (identification card) is 1920. but uncle told me tha she was born earlier than that (i wonder if she had heard about the sinking of titanic few years before).  they just guessed the year since people back then did not have birth cert. so when they wanted to register for an ic they merely guessed the year they were born in. so, this year Granny would be probably almost 100. She is currently staying with Mom and we take care of her because now she is forgetful and very childlike. She still looks young though and speaks really loud for an old

What i miss so much about her is the moment when she was healthy and strong. we used to sit at the stairs (as u can see  in the pic) and talked about the past. i always asked her about the British occupation in Malaya, the Japanese invasion and the independence. she told me about few English people working near the village. she told me about how she and others fled to islands when the Japanese came. she also told me about the joy when Malaya got her independence.

 She's been through the transition of Malaysia. i regret that i didn't record our conversation about those accounts at least for family heritage. i just can keep what she told me in my own memory. the moment when we had a chat is so valuable that i realize how important it is for a family to keep its history and heritage to be told to the next generation. then you can find out who you are. so appreciate the moment with the ones you love before losing it  ^_^


Breast massage~


one word that is amazing. one word that defines so many things. one word that is adorable ^_^

well, i'm not trying to talk about nasty thing here. okay?

me personally think breast massage is very good for girls. i myself am practicing it. dlm bilik air tu mesti kena ade minyk johnson baby yg kaler green. yg de aloe vera. girls, i highly recommend you to do it ^_^

bla seswai wat breast massage ni? slalunye littlelady wat pas mandi. sbb tyme tu jgak seswai utk wat breast checking. pas mandi breast akn jd lembut dn senang nk detect klu de benjolan pape. utk wat breast massage ni bleh pakai minyk baby johnson @ minyak zaitun (littlelady pakai yg safi py sbb bau dy wangi bla comes into contact wt the breast skin). pki minyk je sbb xsure ngn produk krim kat pasaran. risky.huhu

breast massage ni bagus utk maintain breast spy sts tegang dn nmpk cantik. dn org ckp bleh besarkn breast naturally. well at first, littlelady cam xcy je statement tue. i started doing it buln 5 taun lps. practiced 4 1 month. alhamdulilah de prubhn. kr btul jgak la pe yg org ckp. hehe ^_^ smpi skg still practice it n i'm happier wt myself.

gmbr ni littlelady amek dr blog sayangi payudara anda. de gmbr ngn eksplnesen skali jd seng nk follow. anyone interested bleh cuba. insya-Allah akn de prubhn.

Resepi puding roti laici

For d first time ever I bake! hohoho...

Mggu lps littlelady blaja buat puding roti laici.ngeh3..wat sorg2 lak tu. (bangga tue.hehe) tp de la mak tlg sket2 gtao nk watpe. alhamdulilah puding tu jd cam pe yg dhrpkn ^_^  purpose sanggup blaja tu sbb nk amek ati sorg kwn ni. nk wat seprais la kononnya bla kuar ngn dy. sbb dy suka laici. tup2  xjd kuar lak. sedeynyer. emmm =( sbb sedey py psl littlelady bg kat family je mkn. dr sdr mkn spotong je. gmbr pn x amek sbb takut nnt tkenang2 lak pe yg jd. pastu nnt jd kecewa sorg2.huhu

resepi dy senaaaaaaang je. sbb senang tu la littlelady try.hehe...maklum la beginner dlm baking. cara2nye adlh (announce ala2 grammy award) jeng jeng jeng~

Bahan A
-1 buku roti saiz kecik (450 g) (littlelady pki roti gardenia yg kecik tu pastu tmbh lg skeping)
-1 tin susu cair (400ml)
-2 cwn air (emm yg ni sush sket nk explain sbb men agk2 je bg cukp2 roti yg dh dikoyak tu tenggelm. xde sukatn tepat)
-1 tin buah laici (guna je yg dlm tin tu. lg byk laici lg sedp.hehe...amek buah laici je.air xyah)
-1/2 cwn gula halus (sape2 yg xmo manis bleh kurgkn sket)
-2 biji telur (dipukul)
-2 sudu mkn tepung jagung (dbancuh ngn air dl sbb littlelady p trus tabur kat ats roti tu. pastu kena mrh ngn mak. mak ckp 'ne ada org wat cmtu. btuah btul'. maklum la br blaja kot. ngeh3)

Bahan B (sos karamel)
-1 cwn gula perang
-1/2 cwn air
*masak smpi pekat

Cara buat:

1. Koyak roti ngn laici kecik2 dlm satu bekas.
2. Campur sume bhn A tue dlm bekas td & rendam slm 1 jam.
3. Masukkn ke dlm loyang yg dh dsapu minyak (littelady pakai planta ats saranan mak)
4. Bakar pd suhu 180 drjh C slm 1 jam.
5. Sejukkn. pastu potong la & mkn ngn sos karamel

Sedap~ slmt mencuba ^_^

p/s: gmbr kat ats ni littlelady dwlod dr satu blog ni. not mine

Petua kecantikan yang simple & free ^_^

Assalamualaikum dan slmt pg ^^
Okey, entry kali ni littlelady nk share bbrp tips 4 anyone yg nk jg kcantikn. simple je. xyah kuar duit pn. littlelady sdr pn amal benda ni dan alhamdulilah ada prubahn ngn glow wjh. 

1. Bukak je mata, pas bc doa bgn tdo tue, raup wajah dl dgn prgerakn dr bawah dagu ke kepala. i'Allah tubuh akn rs segar dn bsedia utk live ur life to the max ^_^
2. Slps bangun tdo, jgn trus berus gg. minum steguk air kosong. sblm telan tu kumur dl. littlelady tao de yg akn rs ewww. tp ia de kaitan ngn enzim yg kta produce waktu tdo. enzim tue baik utk perut. sorry but i don't remember the scientific explanation.huhu...
3. Basuh muka ngn air plain. biarkn ia kering scr smulajadi. sblm basuh tue slwat ke atas Nabi s.a.w dl sbyk 3x dn niatkn spy Allah cantikkan wajah kta spt wajah Nabi Yusuf (bleh bc pas mekap). cr nk basuh muka tue pn de tao. start dari tgh2 muka (T-zone) bgerak ke atas dahi sblm turun ke pipi dan leher. kemudian bwk tgn tu kuar dr bwk dagu (xtao cmner nk eksplen ngn tepat. hrp2 senang dfahami.hehe). It's better klu amek wudu' tyme nk solat subuh tue @ bla2 ms. biarkn je air wudu' tu kering sdr. 

Klu u all prektis utk smggu scr konsisten, i'Allah akn de prubahn. Klu 40 hr prektis, i'Allah akn jd habit. well gud luck! ^___^

Assalamualaikum and good day everyone. after months of not updating my blog, it's time to do so. many things happened in my life and they all have become part of bittersweet memories. above of all, i've graduated this April after 3 years of studying  and am currently looking for a job. i'm considering teaching but human resource is also one of my interests. actually there are many things that i'd like to try and learn. However, when thinking that i want to get a Master's degree in 2 years to come, i really need to have a good grasp of teaching experience that will help me through the pursuit. so teaching is my top priority.

Since now i'm about to jump into a career, i realize that how time flies. looking back, i've grown so fast and now i can consider myself as an adult.hehe...i'm getting a job, having my own income and responsibilities. then, gonna have a family and children.god gracious, that's AWESOME ^_^

For celebrating my new era of life, i need to do something better this time and hope for the best. be more positive =D